Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss: principles, techniques and exercises

The problem of excess weight worries many. However, not everyone is ready to give up their favorite dishes and actively play sports. At the same time, it is not necessary to get tired of training in the gym. It is enough to master breathing exercises to lose weight quickly and effectively. Special exercises with proper breathing allow you to lose weight daily without much physical effort.

How does breathing exercise work?

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Most health and weight problems are related to improper breathing. Normal daily breathing deprives a person of oxygen, resulting in hypoxia, impaired metabolism, and energy deficiency. Breathing exercises can correct the situation, which has many advantages:

  1. Increases the supply of oxygen to the body, including the respiratory system and blood. It improves metabolism and leads to active weight loss. All this helps to increase energy exchange and energy expenditure, which has a positive effect on reducing body fat.
  2. Use of abdominal breathing. The average person breathes through the chest, which prevents the development of abdominal muscles and therefore promotes the accumulation of fat. If you breathe in the abdomen, then weight loss will occur virtually without physical exertion, thanks to the work of the abdominal muscles.
  3. If you exercise regularly and follow the rules of breathing exercises, then you can lose an average of 4 kg per month.
  4. Improves blood circulation in the abdomen.
  5. Reduces appetite, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.
  6. The immune system is strengthened.

Are there any contraindications to weight loss with breathing exercises?

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Basically, these exercises are beneficial for everyone. However, there are certain conditions and diseases in which it is best to consult a doctor before starting breathing exercises:

  • After cesarean section;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Recent injuries to the spine;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

However, all of these conditions are not critical and allow you to perform the exercises with a competent approach. In most cases, proper breathing techniques can help you get rid of many diseases.

Breathing exercise kit

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The basic exercises are based on ancient Chinese traditional techniques. This helps to reduce body fat. If excess weight is not a problem, then you do not even need to follow a special diet. If the weight is critical, then it is better to combine fasting days in such gymnastics.

The basic set of exercises is as follows:

  • Lie on the floor or sit on a chair. Regardless of position, it is important that your back is straight. In either case, the feet should be completely on the floor. The legs are bent at the knees. Inhale slowly and deeply, straightening the chest and inserting it into the abdomen. Hold your breath for a while (up to 10 seconds), then exhale and relax. Perform up to 50 repetitions.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back, spread your legs slightly. Rest your elbows on your hips, put your hands together, start with your chin on your hands. Relax completely. Inhale through the nose, tense the abdominal muscles. Then exhale and relax completely. Repeat a maximum of several times.
  • Exhale as much as possible. Then take a deep breath slowly, hold your breath for a few seconds, then inhale to the limit and relax, exhaling the air completely. It is advisable to repeat this exercise several times a day.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs crossed so that your feet are on the opposite thighs. Place the right hand on the right thigh, the left hand on the ceiling with the palm of the hand and the right hand on the thigh. Relax with the tip of your tongue towards the sac, behind the upper teeth. Breathe slowly and smoothly for the first 5 minutes, trying not to think about anything. Then, at the same time, breathe at a normal pace, completely relieving the tension of the exhalation. After that, you still have the same time to breathe, fully concentrating on breathing. At the end of the workout there should be a strong desire to sleep.

Breathing techniques for weight loss

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Breathing is the basis of many weight loss techniques. In addition, they are very beneficial for the health of the whole organism. The most popular are the following:

  1. Bodyflex. With it you can perform any set of exercises. To do this, you must first release all the air from your lungs. Then fill the lungs with air to the limit and exhale sharply. Hold your breath, perform the desired exercise, count to 10, and relax by exhaling. You should exercise on an empty stomach with this technique and it is forbidden to follow any diet with this technique. It is not necessary to breathe this way only during exercise, you can do it several times a day, doing household chores, walking to work or just walking in the park.
  2. Oxysize. This technique is more widespread abroad. Its main advantage is that almost anyone can do it. It consists of the following: inhale, then 3 more short exhalations, filling the lungs to the brim. Then exhale and take 3 more short breaths, emptying your lungs completely. Perform at least 30 repetitions. Thanks to this exercise, the metabolism improves and the extra calories are burned much faster than with normal breathing.

Any breathing exercise will be much more beneficial if done outdoors. If you can not exercise outside, you can exercise with the window open. The main purpose of breathing exercises is to enrich the body with oxygen. This, in turn, enhances all metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, even if you do not have time to exercise, you can just take a deep breath. You can do this anywhere and at the same time carry out your daily activities.